
Listening vs. Reading

Did you know that today is #readabookday ?! There is literally a day for EVERYTHING … but this is a day I can truly get behind !

I. LOVE. TO. READ. like really really love it … to the point where I’ve always said that if I was to go back to school or choose another career, I would be a book editor.  Also, because I have yet to read a book where I didn’t find an error or some kind, be that spelling or grammatical…. weird right !!??!!

Like so many of you, I am SUPER busy and I don’t often have the time to just sit and read …. but I ALWAYS have a stack (or 3) of books waiting to be opened and enjoyed. There are always books on my Christmas Wish List too !!


This year I made a promise to myself that I would read ONE book a month for the entire year …. because in 2021 I didn’t even read ONE (isn’t that awful) !!

(this book was a surprising love for me … started a touch slow, but I loved it for a Summer listen)

I asked a group of ladies during an online workshop that I was leading … did they feel that LISTENING to a book was the same as READING a book … while clearly they are two different actions, the majority said YES !!

SO, I signed up for AUDIBLE (this was January 2022) … and since then, I have listened to/read SIXTEEN BOOKS !!!!

(I am a BIG Matthew McConaughey fan and LOVED that he narrated this book filled with stories from his life … SO good)

Can you even believe that ?! My listening time to date is a whopping 7 days and 59 minutes of story time !!! Audible said I have achieved professional level status LOL … whatever that means !!

Any way you look at it, I have enjoyed (16) amazing stories and that is (16) more than last year … AND (4) more than my 2022 goal … and I still have 4 months to go !!

(I ended up listening to 3 of Laura Dave’s books because I loved the narrator … this was easy listening for a Summer read)


I still absolutely LOVE holding a book in my hands and turning the pages … I will still buy books (and ask for them for Christmas. So if my family is reading this, don’t take me off your gift giving list) … in fact, I just bought a new one in the airport a few weeks ago !!

BUT … the fact that while I am designing paper crafting workshops, sanding and painting furniture … or doing the dishes, I can still be ‘reading’, that makes me SO happy !!

So for those of you that haven’t tried listening to your fave books, give it a go, you just might love it !!

I hope that you read a page or two on #readabookday …. or any day !!


Until Next Time

j. XOX


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