Book Nerd Layout
by Katelyn Spencer
Hey Friends! I’m on the blog today sharing this fun Book Nerd Layout featuring the NEW Currently Reading Cut File Bundle and the Book Nerd Cut File Bundle.

I’ve also used supplies from the September PaperCraft Box and a variety of Colour Vibe Card stock. All the links to everything I used are at the bottom of the post!

The Currently Reading Cut File Bundle was the perfect jumping off point for my scrapbook layout documenting how many books I’ve read this year. I did modify the cut file by taking off the Currently Reading title on one of the spines of the book, as I wanted to use a different title for the layout.

From the Book Nerd Cut File Bundle, I used the ‘Book Nerd’ element as the title for my layout. I added the journaling block to the right of the title as well as some flowers to the left side. All of the patterned paper and embellishments are from the September PaperCraft Box.

Jennifer Edwardson Creative Inc. Supplies Used:
Currently Reading Cut File Bundle
3mm 1/8″ Be Creative Tape ( Sookwang)
AC Sticky Thumb 3D Foam – Squares
Thanks so much for joining me today and I hope I’ve inspired you to create your own layout showcasing what you’ve been reading!
– Katelyn