Birthday Basics Double Layout
by Andie Green
Hello Crafty people! Andie on the blog today with a double page birthday layout.

I used the Celebrate Mega Kit to create this layout. It is jam packed with so many creative goodies, including sheets of Dotted Swiss Cardstock.

The Dotted Swiss Cardstock was perfect for cutting out a ton of stars and border strips from the new Tabs and Shapes Cut File Bundle. I cut out tons in different colours and sizes and then layered them!

The large cut out star was of course my focal point of the layout. So I started with the placement of this and then built up around it. I used 3D foam to raise up the big star.

I then grouped some of the smaller stars into clusters and used the 3D foam again to raise some of them up and give them dimension. The star stickers in the Celebrate Mega Kit were the perfect addition to the clusters!

The wavy border strip from this cut file bundle was honestly so fun to cut out and use! I think it added a nice element to the whole layout.

I’m a huge fan of how versatile this new Tabs and Shapes Cut File Bundle is and I can’t wait to see what everyone else creates with it!

Side note: I was left with a bunch of star cutout negatives and I don’t like to waste paper so watch for more creations with those!
Thank you for stopping by the blog to share in my layout creation. I hope you’re all having a beautiful summer so far!
Andie 🌟