Bee You Mini Album
by Katelyn Spencer
Hey Friends! I’m on the blog today sharing this adorable ‘Bee You’ Mini Album which features the brand NEW Viewfinder Cut File from the August release.

I’ve also used supplies from Jennifer Edwardson’s June Monthly PaperCraft Kit. You can find all the links to everything I used at the bottom of the post!

I’m loving the NEW Viewfinder Cut File because not only is it perfect for a scrapbook page or a card, but it’s also perfect to use as a mini album base, like I did!

To embellish the cover and interior pages of the mini album, I used a variety of the embellishments from the June Monthly PaperCraft Kit, which comprised of Simple Stories Simple Vintage Berry Fields Collection.

Here is a look at the interior pages of the mini album:

And this is another look at the front of my Bee You Mini Album. This album would be so great to document a berry-picking day, Summer gardening, a cute picnic with friends or a trip to the farm!

Jennifer Edwardson Creative Inc. Supplies Used:
3mm 1/8″ Be Creative Tape ( Sookwang)
AC Sticky Thumb 3D Foam – Squares
Other Supplies Used:
Elizabeth Craft Designs – Fitted Circles
Misc: Jump Ring
Thanks so much for joining me today and I hope I’ve inspired you to create your own my Mini Album this Summer!
– Katelyn